
序号 题目内容
819 The market for so-called functional beverages, drinks that promise health benefits beyond their inherent nutritional value, nearly doubled over the course of four years, in rising from $2.68 billion in 1997 to be $4.7 billion in 2000.
821 To show that it is serious about addressing the state's power crisis, the administration has plans for ordering all federal facilities in California to keep thermostats at 78 degrees Fahrenheit and shutting down escalators during electricity shortages this summer.
822 Once made exclusively from the wool of sheep that roam the Isle of Lewis and Harris off the coast of Scotland, Harris tweed is now made only with wools that are imported, sometimes from the mainland and sometimes they come--as a result of a 1996 amendment to the Harris Tweed Act--from outside Scotland.
826 The company`s CEO backed away from her plan for dividing the firm into five parts, saying that she still had meant to spin off or sell two units but that the company would retain ownership of two others as well as the core company.
827 The cactus is now heavily plundered in deserts in the southwestern United States, so much that enforcement agencies in five states have created special squads for its protection.
828 Satellite radio transmissions, a popular feature in car stereos, differ from those of AM and FM radio, which is sent directly from earthbound towers and then to a car stereo.
829 Although the company's executives have admitted that there had been accounting irregularities involving improper reporting of revenue, as well as of failure to record expenses, they could not yet say precisely how much money was involved.
838 Many population studies have linked a high-salt diet to high rates of hypertension and shown that in societies where they consume little salt, their blood pressure typically does not rise with age.
839 Partly as a result of Proposition 13, which severely limits property tax increases, California has come more and more to rely on personal income taxes for its revenues; income taxes have increased from 18 percent of the state's general fund in 1962 to 48 percent by 2002.
840 According to scientists, human expansion and the human appropriation of Earth's finite resources is the cause of what may be the most sweeping wave of species extinctions since the demise of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
852 With near to all tortilla chips made from corn kernels that have been heated in a solution of calcium hydroxide (lime), this removes the skin of the kernel so water can penetrate.
854 Although the earliest inhabitants of Mapungubwe, building their dwellings of either wattle and daub or unfired mud brick, by the thirteenth century buildings of coral blocks in lime mortar began to appear.
857 Upon their first encountering leaf-cutting ants in South America, the insects seemed to some Europeans to be carrying bits of greenery to shade themselves from the tropical sun--hence the sobriquet "parasol ants."
858 By skimming along the top of the atmosphere, a proposed new style of aircraft could fly between most points on Earth in under two hours, according to its proponents.
866 Dinosaur tracks show them walking with their feet directly under their bodies, like mammals and birds, not extended out to the side in the manner of modern reptiles.
867 Although when a hagfish is threatened, it will secrete slime that is small in quantity, it expands several hundred times as it absorbs seawater, forming a slime ball that can coat the gills of predatory fish and either suffocate them or distress them enough to make them flee.
868 Officials at the United States Mint believe that the Sacagawea dollar coin will be used more as a substitute for four quarters rather than for the dollar bill because of its weight, only 8.1 grams, which is far less than four quarters, which weigh 5.67 grams each.
869 In the United States, less than half as many multifamily housing units were produced in the 1990s than in each of the previous two decades.
870 Educator Maria Montessori believed that students be allowed to choose from among a number of different lessons designed for the encouragement of their development as thinkers and creators with individual learning and thinking styles.
871 Analysts and media executives predict the coming year to be no less challenging than the previous one had been for the company`s C.E.O.




